Rulingia dasyphylla

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Rulingia dasyphylla
Light:Full Sun Part Shade
Soil pH:5.6-8.4
Blooms:Late Spring
Native to:

Rulingia dasyphylla

Propagation: Seed

Cultivation: Succeeds in most soils and situations in Australian gardens[1].

This species is hardy to about -7°c in Australian gardens[1], though this cannot be applied directly to British gardens due to our cooler summers that often fail to fully ripen new shoots, and our longer, colder and wetter winters[K].

Range: Australia - Queensland, New South Wales and Victoria.

Habitat: Found especially in gullies[2] up to the alpine zone[3].

Usage: The plant makes a fairly useful screen[4].

The fibrous inner bark has been used to make cordage[4].

Wood - fairly hard, porous[3].

Soil: Can grow in light, medium, and heavy soils.

Flower Type: Hermaphrodite



  1. 1.0 1.1 Wrigley, John and Murray Fagg. Australian Native Plants. Collins, 1988.
  2. Carolin, R. Flora of the Sydney Region. Reed, 1993.
  3. 3.0 3.1 Ewart, Alfred. Recording Census of the Victorian Flora. 1923.
  4. 4.0 4.1 Cribb, Alan. Useful Wild Plants in Australia. William Collins, 1981.