Nemophila menziesii

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Nemophila menziesii
Nemophila menziesii.jpg
Planting Time:Late Summer
Life Cycle:Annual
Blooms:Early Spring
Native to:

Nemophila menziesii (common name: baby blue eyes) is aswim in color, these five-petal true-blue flowers are one of the first to bloom once Winter has melted and are perfect for ground coverings, rock gardens, and hanging baskets. Favored by Victorians, succulent leaves and stems allow this easy-to-grow hardy annual to survive moderate droughts before self-seeding in mulch-free environments for next year. The soft-hued flowers prefer full sun but need protection from afternoon heat to prevent wilting. Pinch new growth tips to force bushiness and deadhead flowers to prolong the blooms for the bees and butterflies.

Sow in Spring by scattering seeds in freshly raked soil and raking again and resow at the end of Summer for extended blooms.

