Log inoculation

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Log inoculation is a method of growing mushrooms on logs.

Reishi Maitake Lion's Mane Shiitake Blue Oyster Pearl Oyster Phoenix Oyster Turkey Tail
Alder X X X X
Ash X X X
Aspen X X
Beech X X X X
Birch X X
Chestnut X X X
Elm X X X X
Eucalyptus X X
Hickory X X
Honey Locust X X
Maple X X X X X
Oak X X X X X X X
Plum X X
Poplar X X X
Sweetgum X X X X
Douglas Fir X X
Fir X X
Pinon Pine X X
Spruce X X
  1. Determine the tree species needed for growing the intended mushrooms.
  2. Select a living tree with a diameter between 4-6".
  3. Fell the tree in early Spring as the tree prepares to bud new leaves. This ensures the highest growth potential as the tree is storing the most amount of energy in the trunk. Do not cut tree after they have started budding out.
  4. Cut the tree into 3-4' logs.
  5. Cut holes 4-6" apart in a line down the length of the log using a 12mm mushroom drill bit in an angle grinder. A 12mm drill can be used instead but will be much slower.
  6. Rotate the log and drill another line of holes staggered from the first set of holes and 4-6" from other holes. Repeat until the log is covered in holes that create a diamond pattern.
  7. Stab a 12mm inoculation tool into the mushroom spawn sawdust and inject the sawdust into the holes in the log. Plugs are also available but sawdust is cheaper and colonizes faster.
  8. Seal all of the holes and the ends of the logs with a small amount of melted paraffin wax.
  9. Store logs close to the ground in a shaded environment while the mycelium colonizes the logs. Most species will need at least 1.5 years.
