Iberis umbellata

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Iberis umbellata
Light:Full Sun
Moisture:Xeric Mesic
Soil pH:5.6-8.4
Blooms:Late Spring-Early Fall
Native to:

Iberis umbellata (common name: candytuft)

Propagation: Seed - sow spring in situ for summer flowering or late summer in situ for a spring flowering[1]. The seed germinates within 3 weeks.

Cultivation: Easily grown in a good, well-drained ordinary garden soil in a sunny position[2]. Prefers a calcareous soil but tolerates mildly acid soils[2]. Succeeds in poor soils[1] and on dry walls[2].

A very ornamental plant[2]. A fast-growing plant[3]. Do not grow the plants too close together[2].

A good butterfly, moth and bee plant[4][5].

Range: S. Europe.

Habitat: Bushy and rocky places on calcareous soils[6].

Pollinators: Bees, lepidoptera

Soil: Can grow in light, medium, and heavy soils.

Drainage: Prefers well drained soil.

Flower Type: Hermaphrodite



  1. 1.0 1.1 Huxley, Anthony. The New Royal Horticultural Society Dictionary of Gardening. MacMillan Press, 1992.
  2. 2.0 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 Chittendon, Fred. RHS Dictionary of Plants. Oxford University Press, 1951.
  3. Brickell, Christopher. The RHS Gardener's Encyclopedia of Plants and Flowers. Dorling Kindersley Publishers, 1990.
  4. Carter, David. Butterflies and Moths in Britain and Europe. Pan, 1982.
  5. International Bee Research Association. Garden Plants Valuable to Bees. International Bee Research Association, 1981.
  6. Tutin, Tom et al.. Flora Europaea. Cambridge University Press, 1964.