Gaillardia pulchella

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Gaillardia pulchella
Gaillardia pulchella.jpg

Gaillardia pulchella (common name: blanketflower)

Add a splash of color to your garden or meadow with the vivid reds, oranges, and yellows of Blanketflowers that form thick blanket-like colonies on the ground. The hardy state wildflower of Oklahoma thrives in heat and dryness and can bloom year round in some places. Bees love the firewheel-esque flower and make a buttery-rich honey from the nectar while goldfinches love the seeds which freely self-sow if fallen on bare ground, but typically will not germinate if fallen on mulch. While the plant quickly loses symmetry after flowering and flops as gravity dictates, leggy plants can be trimmed to stimulate new growth.

