Ferula communis

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Ferula communis
Light:Full Sun
Moisture:Xeric Mesic
Soil pH:5.6-8.4
Self Pollinated
Blooms:Early Summer
Native to:
Edible Rating:PFAF Edibility RatingPFAF Edibility Rating
Medicinal Rating:PFAF Medicinal RatingPFAF Medicinal Rating

Ferula communis (common name: giant fennel)

Propagation: Seed - best sown as soon as the seed is ripe in a greenhouse in autumn[1]. Otherwise sow in April in a greenhouse. Prick out the seedlings into individual pots as soon as they are large enough to handle. Plant them out into their permanent positions whilst still small because the plants dislike root disturbance[1]. Give the plants a protective mulch for at least their first winter outdoors.

Division in autumn. This may be inadvisable due to the plants dislike of root disturbance.

Cultivation: Succeeds in most soils[1] including dry ones according to one report[2] whilst others say that it requires a deep moist fertile soil in a sunny position[3][4]. Established plants are drought resistant[2].

This species is hardy to about -10°c, possibly lower if the rootstock is mulched in the winter[5].

A very ornamental plant[1], though the flowers have a most unpleasant rancid smell[6].

Plants are often monoecious[5].

Plants are intolerant of root disturbance due to their long taproot[4]. They should be planted into their final positions as soon as possible.

The sub-species brevifolia is the form used for its gum[1][7][8][9].

Range: Europe - Mediterranean.

Habitat: Dry hills, walls, waste ground and limestone[10], often in soils that are damp in the spring[5].

Edibility: Leaves[11]. No further details are given.

Medicinal: One report says that the root yields a gum with medicinal properties but no details are given[1].

Usage: A gum 'Gum Ammoniac' is obtained by notching the root[7][8][12][9]. It is used as an incense[13], it also has medicinal value[1].

The stems are used in furniture making[10].

The dried pith is used as a tinder, it burns very slowly inside the stem and can thus be carried from one place to another[10][9][14].

Pollinators: Flies

Soil: Can grow in light, medium, and heavy soils.

Drainage: Prefers well drained soil.

Flower Type: Hermaphrodite

Also Known As: F. brevifolia. F. linkii.



  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 Chittendon, Fred. RHS Dictionary of Plants. Oxford University Press, 1951.
  2. 2.0 2.1 Chatto, Beth. The Damp Garden. Dent, 1982.
  3. Sanders, Thomas. Popular Hardy Perennials. Collingridge, 1926.
  4. 4.0 4.1 Huxley, Anthony. The New Royal Horticultural Society Dictionary of Gardening. MacMillan Press, 1992.
  5. 5.0 5.1 5.2 Phillips, Roger and Martyn Rix. Perennials - The Definitve Reference. Pan Books, 1991.
  6. Genders, Roy. Scented Flora of the World. Robert Hale, 1994.
  7. 7.0 7.1 Uphof, Johannes. Dictionary of Economic Plants. Weinheim, 1959.
  8. 8.0 8.1 Usher, George. A Dictionary of Plants Used by Man. Constable, 1974.
  9. 9.0 9.1 9.2 Polunin, Oleg. Flowers of Europe. Oxford University Press, 1969.
  10. 10.0 10.1 10.2 Polunin, Oleg. Flowers of the Mediterranean. Hogarth Press, 1987.
  11. Facciola, Stephen. Cornucopia - A Source Book of Edible Plants. Kampong Publications, 1990.
  12. Howes, Frank. Vegetable Gums and Resins. Chronica Botanica, 1949.
  13. Grieve, Margaret. A Modern Herbal. Penguin, 1984.
  14. Niebuhr, Alta. Herbs of Greece. Herb Society of America, 1970.