Erigeron bulbosa

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Erigeron bulbosa
Light:Full Sun
Soil pH:5.6-8.4
Native to:
Edible Rating:PFAF Edibility Rating

Erigeron bulbosa

Propagation: Seed - sow spring in situ. The seed usually germinates within four weeks.

Cultivation: We have almost no information on this species and do not even know if it is perennial or annual, let alone whether it will grow in Britain. It probably prefers a moderately fertile well-drained soil in a sunny position.

Very few members of this genus will hybridise with other members of the genus[1].

Range: Eastern N. America.

Edibility: Root[2][3]. No further details are given.

Pollinators: Lepidoptera, bees

Soil: Can grow in light, medium, and heavy soils.

Drainage: Prefers well drained soil.

Flower Type: Hermaphrodite



  1. Diggs, George and Barney Lipscomb. Illustrated Flora of North Central Texas. Botanical Research Institute, 1999.
  2. Tanaka, Tyōzaburō. Tanaka's Cyclopaedia of Edible Plants of the World. Keigaku Publishing, 1976.
  3. Kunkel, Günther. Plants for Human Consumption. Koeltz Scientific Books, 1984.