Coronopus didymus

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Coronopus didymus
Light:Full Sun Part Shade
Soil pH:5.6-8.4
Self Pollinated
Blooms:Mid Summer-Early Fall
Native to:
Edible Rating:PFAF Edibility Rating

Coronopus didymus (common name: swine wartcress)

Propagation: Seed - sow spring or autumn in situ.

Cultivation: See the plants native habitat for ideas on its cultivation needs.

Range: Europe. Asia. N. America. Naturalized in Britain[1].

Habitat: Waste places, roadsides and cultivated fields[1][2]. Found chiefly in sandy soils in Texas[3].

Edibility: Leaves - raw or cooked[4][5]. A strong hot cress-like flavour[6][K].

Pollinators: Self

Soil: Can grow in light, medium, and heavy soils.

Seed Ripens: Late Summer-Mid Fall

Flower Type: Hermaphrodite

Also Known As: Lepidium didymum. Senebiera didyma.



  1. 1.0 1.1 Clapham, Arthur and Tom Tootin, Edmund Warburg. Flora of the British Isles. Cambridge University Press, 1962.
  2. Lyndon, Merritt. Gray's Manual of Botany. American Book Co, 1950.
  3. Diggs, George and Barney Lipscomb. Illustrated Flora of North Central Texas. Botanical Research Institute, 1999.
  4. Tanaka, Tyōzaburō. Tanaka's Cyclopaedia of Edible Plants of the World. Keigaku Publishing, 1976.
  5. Kunkel, Günther. Plants for Human Consumption. Koeltz Scientific Books, 1984.
  6. Cribb, Alan and Joan Cribb. Wild Food in Australia. Fontana, 1976.