Cerastium semidecandrum

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Cerastium semidecandrum
Light:Full Sun
Soil pH:5.6-8.4
Self Pollinated
Blooms:Mid Spring-Late Spring
Native to:
Edible Rating:PFAF Edibility RatingPFAF Edibility Rating

Cerastium semidecandrum (common name: little mouse-ear chickweed)

Propagation: Seed - we have no information on this species but suggest sowing the seed in spring in a cold frame. When they are large enough to handle, prick the seedlings out into individual pots and plant them out into their permanent positions in the summer.

Cultivation: See the plants native habitat for ideas on its cultivation needs.

Range: Europe, including Britain, from Scandanava south and west to N. Africa and W. Asia.

Habitat: Common in dry open habitats, especially on calcareous or sandy soils[1].

Edibility: Young plant - cooked[2][3]. Best used before it flowers[4].

Pollinators: Insects, self

Soil: Can grow in light, medium, and heavy soils.

Flower Type: Hermaphrodite



  1. Clapham, Arthur and Tom Tootin, Edmund Warburg. Flora of the British Isles. Cambridge University Press, 1962.
  2. Tanaka, Tyōzaburō. Tanaka's Cyclopaedia of Edible Plants of the World. Keigaku Publishing, 1976.
  3. Kunkel, Günther. Plants for Human Consumption. Koeltz Scientific Books, 1984.
  4. Usher, George. A Dictionary of Plants Used by Man. Constable, 1974.