Cardamine loxostemonoides

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Cardamine loxostemonoides
Light:Full Sun Part Shade
Soil pH:5.6-8.4
Native to:
Edible Rating:PFAF Edibility Rating

Cardamine loxostemonoides (common name: cuckoo flower)

Propagation: Seed - sow spring or autumn in situ.

Cultivation: We have very little information on this species and do not know if it will be hardy in Britain, though judging by its native range it should succeed outdoors in most parts of this country. The following notes are based on the general needs of the genus.

Prefers a moist humus rich soil in shade or semi-shade[1] but succeeds in most soils that are not dry[2].

Range: E. Asia - Himalayas from India to China and Tibet.

Habitat: Open places at elevations of 2900 - 5500 metres in Tibet[3].

Edibility: Tender young shoots and leaves - cooked as a vegetable[3].

Pollinators: Bees, flies, lepidoptera

Soil: Can grow in light, medium, and heavy soils.

Flower Type: Hermaphrodite



  1. Huxley, Anthony. The New Royal Horticultural Society Dictionary of Gardening. MacMillan Press, 1992.
  2. Chittendon, Fred. RHS Dictionary of Plants. Oxford University Press, 1951.
  3. 3.0 3.1 Manandhar, Narayan. Plants and People of Nepal. Timber Press, 2002.