Geum rivale

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Geum rivale
Light:Full Sun Part Shade
Moisture:Mesic Hydric
Soil pH:5.6-8.4
Self Pollinated
Blooms:Late Spring-Early Fall
Open Woods Forest
Native to:
Edible Rating:PFAF Edibility RatingPFAF Edibility RatingPFAF Edibility Rating
Medicinal Rating:PFAF Medicinal RatingPFAF Medicinal RatingPFAF Medicinal Rating

Geum rivale (common name: water avens)

Propagation: Seed - sow spring or autumn in a cold frame[1]. When they are large enough to handle, prick the seedlings out into individual pots and plant them out in the summer'

Division in spring or autumn. This should be done every 3 - 4 years in order to maintain the vigour of the plant[1]. Very easy, larger clumps can be replanted direct into their permanent positions, though it is best to pot up smaller clumps and grow them on in a cold frame until they are rooting well. Plant them out in the spring.

Cultivation: Easily grown in any moderately good garden soil that is well-drained[2]. Easily grown in a moist or shady border[3][4]. Prefers a soil rich in organic matter[1]. Prefers a base rich soil[5].

Hybridizes freely with other members of this genus, especially with G. urbanum[4]. There are some named varieties selected for their ornamental value[6][7].

Range: Europe, including Britain, from Iceland south and east to Spain, Siberia and W. Asia. N. America.

Habitat: Damp places, such as moist ditches and streamsides, most frequently in the shade[8][5].

Edibility: The dried or fresh root can be boiled in water to make a delicious chocolate-like drink[9][10][11][12][13]. It can also be used as a seasoning[14][12]. It is best harvested in the spring or autumn but can be used all year round[13]. Fragrant[15], it was once used to flavour ales[16][12].

Medicinal: The root is anti-inflammatory, antiseptic, aromatic, astringent, diaphoretic, febrifuge, stomachic, styptic and tonic[17][18]. An infusion is taken internally in the treatment of diarrhoea (and is suitable for children to use), intestinal and stomach complaints, liver disorders etc, it is also applied externally as a wash to various skin afflictions - it is said to remove spots, freckles and eruptions from the face[17][8]. This plant has similar properties but is less active than the related G. urbanum and so is seldom used medicinally[8][19].

The root is best harvested in the spring, since at this time it is most fragrant[17]. Much of the fragrance can be lost on drying, so the root should be dried with great care then stored in a cool dry place in an airtight container, being sliced and powdered only when required for use[17].

The root is rich in tannin and is a powerful astringent[13][20].

Usage: The dried root repels moths.

Plants are suitable for ground cover when spaced about 30cm apart each way[6]. The cultivar 'Leonard's Variety' is the best for this purpose[6].

Pollinators: Bees, self

Soil: Can grow in light, medium, and heavy soils.

Seed Ripens: Early Summer-Mid Fall

Flower Type: Hermaphrodite



  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 Huxley, Anthony. The New Royal Horticultural Society Dictionary of Gardening. MacMillan Press, 1992.
  2. Chittendon, Fred. RHS Dictionary of Plants. Oxford University Press, 1951.
  3. Knight, F. P.. Plants for Shade. Royal Horticultural Society, 1980.
  4. 4.0 4.1 Phillips, Roger and Martyn Rix. Perennials - The Definitve Reference. Pan Books, 1991.
  5. 5.0 5.1 Clapham, Arthur and Tom Tootin, Edmund Warburg. Flora of the British Isles. Cambridge University Press, 1962.
  6. 6.0 6.1 6.2 Thomas, Graham. Plants for Ground Cover. Everyman, 1990.
  7. Thomas, Graham. Perennial Garden Plants. J. M. Dent & Sons, 1990.
  8. 8.0 8.1 8.2 Launert, Edmund. Edible and Medicinal Plants. Hamlyn, 1981.
  9. Harrington, Harold. Edible Native Plants of the Rocky Mountains. University of New Mexico Press, 1967.
  10. Saunders, Charles. Edible and Useful Wild Plants of the United States and Canada. Dover Publications, 1976.
  11. Coon, Nelson. The Dictionary of Useful Plants. Rodale Press, 1975.
  12. 12.0 12.1 12.2 Facciola, Stephen. Cornucopia - A Source Book of Edible Plants. Kampong Publications, 1990.
  13. 13.0 13.1 13.2 Weiner, Michael. Earth Medicine, Earth Food. Ballantine Books, 1980.
  14. Kavasch, Barrie. Native Harvests. Vintage Books, 1979.
  15. Yanovsky, Elias. Food Plants of the North American Indians Publication 237. US Department of Agriculture.
  16. Hedrick, Ulysses. Sturtevant's Edible Plants of the World. Dover Publications, 1972.
  17. 17.0 17.1 17.2 17.3 Grieve, Margaret. A Modern Herbal. Penguin, 1984.
  18. Lust, John. The Herb Book. Bantam Books, 1983.
  19. Bown, Deni. Royal Horticultural Society Encyclopaedia of Herbs and Their Uses. Dorling Kindersley, 1995.
  20. Foster, Steven and Billy Tatum. Medicinal Plants of Eastern and Central North America. Houghton Mifflin, 1990.